Monday 13 February 2012

Random fatness fixed

The fixed version of the granny walk, before her dress randomly got really big.

Tester ball kick.

the leg kick isn't strong enough to kick the ball up like that, i think i am going to make the ball fall lower. to show the weight of the gravity more.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Granny tester intro1

This is the rocking chair, the walk, the first encounter of the puddle and ball.
 Im quite happy with how its turned out because she looks like she has personallitly, the wet granny walks differently to normal, so this time in the referral i am trying to get the objects to effect the way they walk more.

Only problem would be she seems to get skinnier and fatter at points. her dress gets bigger at random points. the rains bit looks like water but if i were to add colour, it would look more watery

beginning of granny walk.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Granny walk tester 1

Today i have drawn the basic idea of where her feet, legs and body will move. her body doesnt more as much, but i like how it looks because it seems to flow.

lip sync 3 full complete

Today I have drawn a lip sync on flash which i found alot easier to understand and put together, because i could test it to see if it looks in the right place really quick which was a time saver.
I did have some difficulty because flash isnt like final cut where you can scroll on the sound with the mouse to see if its in the right place or not. but i had to just play form the beginning to see if it works or not.

Im a pleased with how this looks because the tongue looks like its vibrating which fits with the accent.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Referral fix up no.1

First the list of things i need to do in order to pass.

-finished animation sequence on DVD  
-improved lip synch exercise 
-updated blog
- improved portfolio of reference and design work.

Today i have started to redraw my finished animation on paper.

This is the begining, where the granny is sitting in her rocking chair, i thought this would add to the character design to make her more believeable.